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A Food Community UCLA Inspires and Creates

The Rothman Food Institute is just one part of the robust food community cultivated by UCLA. Students, faculty, staff and the greater Los Angeles area enjoy a variety of opportunities to connect over the food that unites us all.

campus partners

UCLA Food Landscape

We are part of the rich food landscape at UCLA that’s advancing important food-based initiatives. Our work would be impossible without our UCLA food partners.


los angeles & beyond

Local and Global Food Communities

At the Rothman Food Institute, we work to elevate the impact of food communities beyond our campus.

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Food Networks in LA and Beyond

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Food Access LA 

Food Access LA is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting equitable access to fresh foods in Los Angeles County. Their mission is to foster a healthy and resilient local food system while creating a more equitable and sustainable community. Food Access LA achieves its mission through five key programs: Food Access LA’s Farmers’ Markets, Benefits and Incentives, Nutrition and Cooking Programs, Urban Agriculture Advocacy, and Seasoned Accelerator. These programs support Food Access LA’s mission of connecting fresh, locally-produced food and nutrition education to the residents of Los Angeles.

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Anne Saxelby Legacy Fund

The Anne Saxelby Legacy Fund provides month-long paid apprenticeships for young adults to live on sustainable farms — to work, learn and be inspired to create change in their communities. Their farms range from urban to rural and produce cheese, beef, poultry, fruit and vegetables that sustain surrounding communities. They serve as a gathering place, a food source, an opportunity for continued education and a connection to agriculture. The aim of the ASLF apprenticeship is a cultural shift towards slow, quality agriculture as more young adults learn about the ingredients that feed us from sustainable-minded farmers, who are some of the most important teachers in the world.

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